I think that it counts a lot technology in my life, because a use wisely to do work and to play a little time in my Facebook account. However I use more for doing work. I think that technology gives my a positive way and a negative way. A positive because i can do my work more quickly, however a negative because when I play a good game online I vitiate a lot in the game. For example one day I was supposed to an essay and I played a little and vitiate a lot and until 7 o' clock a worked on my essay!
I think that I' m happy with my blog because it is very cool and it has 286 views until now and i only made at the begging of the year. I did not experienced any problems. I think I would not change anything in my blog even if i had more time just one thing the spelling mistakes. In conclusion I think that i would change anything in my blog just to check my spelling mistakes.
In my opinion it is good to have digital world because you can find new things and do more things, you can play, watch videos, enter to social network, etc. Meanwhile it can be bad because you can get you can become stale with the videos games an things like that.
In conclusion i use a very little amount of digital media, and also I use it wisely to do work, but also in my free time I use to play in Facebook.